My friend Mark Bouchard (It Took Luke, Leaf Peepers) and I made an 8-page Hellraiser fancomic, with them writing and me drawing! UNWOUND is an Extremely Gorey tale of two lovers deciding to meet the parents and discovering just how badly that can go.

Previously only available on my Patreon and in person at shows, it is now available for sale as both a digital pdf via my itch.io account and as a physical zine through my shop.

In addition to the comic launch, I have also updated the Viscous Discharge Press store to include more prints! If there’s anything there you’re wanting to grab why not pick it up with a copy of the Hellraiser Unwound zine? 😉

Shop Update and Discount code!

Show season is pretty much over for me for the year and I’m going to be focusing this winter on making more new stuff for next year, so in the meantime I put all of my current stock up on the Viscous Discharge Press Big Cartel page with a 15% discount. The discount code is BIRTHDAY because, well, it’s my birthday! On the 24th, anyway. The code will be active through the end of November.

There are several prints and stickers up over there for which this will be the first time they’re listed for sale online, such as the Psyclops Pslayer block print. Get it while you can!

Summer Roundup

Hi! It’s been a minute, huh? Sorry about that! I got busy! You know how it is!

Biggest news first and foremost is that Hole has started chapter 02.

Pretty exciting! Excited to be making more progress on that front. As always, patrons get to see pages a week earlier than everybody else.

Speaking of Patreon (and hysterically delayed, I am so sorry), Mark Bouchard and I made a Hellraiser fancomic that’s been serializing over there and is just about to draw to a close. It’ll be a minute before it’s released to non-patrons so if that sounds interesting to you you should go check it out!

Super grody, I know you guys love that shit.

In non-comics news I’ve been putting more prints and some stickers up for sale over at Viscous Discharge Press.

Be there or have less brain-related imagery in your household!

Some final bits of housekeeping are that I got a bluesky and a cohost, and that while neither of them have much on them at the moment I am planning on beefing them up here soon once I’ve got a minute. And if you hate the internet and are ONLY interested in seeing me in person, I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be at both SPX in DC and the Punk Rock Flea Market in Tulsa this September, but I’ll be back with more information on those as we get closer to the events.

Happy belated pride month lmao ✌️

Viscous Discharge Press Launch

I finally set up another online store to sell physical goods through! Introducing Viscous Discharge Press!

I have zines up there for five comics–all drawn by me, with four of them also written by me and one written by Adam V Massimiano (that one’s Death-Tell Clicker). All of them are black and white interiors with color block printing on the covers. This is my first time doing mixed media zines like this and I’m pretty excited about it!

Excitingly, this also means both issues of my erotic comic Blix & Vega are now available in print for the first time! I know a few people were asking me if I’d ever have it available in print, and now the answer is yes!

Right now all that’s available through the site is zines, but I’ve been working a lot with linoblock printing lately as you can see and I’m hoping to start selling block prints and original ink drawings and stickers and the like through the site before too much longer.

Go check it out!